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HMI Leadership President: Keith Butler, Pledmont Hoist & Crane Vice President Rob Beightol, Gorbel About HMI The Hoist Manufacturers Institute, Inc. (HMI) is an independent trade association affiliated with the Material Handling Industry. HMI’s history starts in 1917 with the Electric Hoist Manufacture’s Association which was dissolved and replaced by the Hoist Manufacturer’s Association in 1956. During this time, hoist performance standards were created. In 1971, these performance standards were published under the Hoist Manufactures Institute name and were the source material for the current ASME Hoist Performance Standards. HMI is a voluntary association which was incorporated as the Hoist Manufacturers Institute, Inc. in 1968. Member companies are the leading suppliers of hoist equipment (hand chain hoists, lever hoists, trolleys, air chain hoists, air wire rope hoists, electric chain hoists and electric wire rope hoists) in North America and continue to be the source advocating hoist safety and performance. Technical Papers / Articles Know Your Hoist Operation Guidelines Hoist Inspection Guidelines Daily Operator Check lists for Hoists (Powered, Hand Chain and Lever Operated) Compedium of Basic Information and Standards for Hoists HMI 100.75 Operator Manual - Lever Hoist HMI 100.24 Inspection and Maintenence Manual - Hoist HMI 100.23 Operators Manual - Hoist HMI 100.74 Inspection and Maintenence Manual - Lever Hoist Comparison of Hoist Duty Service Classifications HMI NEC Consensus HMI Recommended Practices for Hand Hoists English French Spanish HMI Recommended Practices for Lever Hoists English French Spanish HMI Recommended Practices for Powered Hoists English French Spanish SAFER HANDLING: Hoist Inspection Guidelines Links  HMI Annual Scholarship Elizabeth Barnett, Bringham Young University The $2,100 HMI/MMA Honor Scolarship has been awarded to Elizabeth Barnett for the 2021/2022 academic year. Elizabeth is a junior Manufacturing Engineering student at Bringham Young University. She enjoys overseeing things and helping to coordinate complicated efforts with satisfying results. She is hoping to get an internship at NASA. Elizabeth is a member of the Society of Women in Engineering at her schol, and she is active in other community organizations. 

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